Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Salaam Mumbai

With reference to the 7/11-2006 train blasts that rocked Mumbai, the video tries to explore Mumbai's Spirit and Courage to sustain and fight back terrorist attacks since the 1993 tragedy.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Global Warming - Whats our contribution?

Global temperatures is increasing rapidly and this higher temperatures threaten dangerous consequences: drought, disease, floods, lost ecosystems. And from sweltering heat to rising seas, global warming's effects have already begun.

We know where most heat-trapping gases come from: power plants and vehicles.

Researchers say in about 50 years the climatic conditions will be totally different from the current condtions. With the increasing golbal temperature, the temperature then will be an extreme with unbearable scroching heat. We have already been facing this conditions although in a small scale. Think of the future!

Aren't we digging grave for ourselves?? I mean just to satisfy ourselves within this glamorous world, of buying cars etc, number of vehicles on earth already is increasing exponentially!! This is the prime reason of global warming! Can't we just stop buying it?

How could we be so selfish to have luxury with the expense of our future generations??

What do you think we should do to stop these things happening?? Can we stop buying vehicles?? I can live without a car, use a bicycle or use public transport instead.. can you?

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Wish I were...

Wish I were a bird..
spread my wings and fly
to distant corner of world
with no bounds

Wish I were a river..
flow through the mountains
and reach the endless sea
with no one to stop me

Wish I were the wind..
carrying the fragrance
for the people to perceive
with no one to ask me the creed

Wish I were love..
spread through the hearts
bringing them closer
with no place for enmity

Wish I were a bud..
grown in some corner of the woods
making world beautiful
with no one to tweak

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Isn't religion for oneself?

What does one gain when they follow any religion?

A generic answer that you would get from any religionists is that following their religion make them come closer to God and not following will make them to go to Hell. In this quest they try to convince or brainwash others too. Now whats the point of deciding upon others? Isn't just following what you are following is enough?

Agreed there is some power that created this world and made it so beautiful that we never stop cherishing it. We term that creator as 'God', the Holy Spirit. And we will pray that Holy Spirit to come closer. Here, when we say we want to come closer to that Holy Spirit then its only you and the God. You then follow the religion for yourself to come closer to God.

Religion only just sets up some rules for you to follow and keep you within the limits. And I think if any religion tells something that causes harm to others and loses the very essense, then its not a religion. You are losing the whole objective then!

Religion is for yourself and its only between you and the Holy Spirit. Its about your faith. The faith, following which, lets you bring to the next level and that level is the spirituality, a state of meditation where you attain peace.

It hurts when I see people preaching about their own religion and many a times become hostile! If a religion follows peace and spreads peace then who will not like to join it.

After all, peace is the ultimate goal of any soul in this world, isn't it?

Thursday, March 02, 2006

I am a Human

I am not a Muslim..
I am not a Hindu...
I am not a Christian..
I am not a Jew..

I have eyes.. I can see..
I have ears.. I can hear..
I have mind.. I can think..
I have heart.. I can listen to..

I believe in peace..
I believe in destiny..
I have faith in love..
I have faith in my inner self..

I am simple..
I think simple..
I am in a purest form..
I am a Human.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Don't need no Religion!

So what's this whole fuss about "Freedom of Expression" now a days?

An artist trying to express something in his own way... Knowingly may or may not be liken by some group of people!

Agreed that the expression was not acceptable to a particular group of people but what a way of retaliation! Is that we call retaliating peacefully? Is that we call a religion of peace? I don't think so!

Have any of these people who are protesting now have ever protested against the terrorists who had blown the thousands of people in 9/11? Have any of these people who are protesting now have ever protested against the suicide bombers or various bomb blasts that happened and are still happening? No. No body wants to come up as that will be against the religion! Because they follow the religion of peace! Damn!

Violence violence... Revenge revenge... has become the norm of the day!

This whole episode shows how its so easy to play with the emotions of the people and make them fight. On one side, expression that turns on the fire and on the other side, as usual the fanatics getting a chance to exaggerate it... and people just blindly follow them.. I pity!

Retaliation could have been done in a peaceful ways too... Non-violence the most effective tool to win a war, no body wants to follow it! The great examples are right in front of you - Mahatma Gandhi.. Even Jesus Christ believed in non-violence.. and we all know the results of their struggle...

But Alas! Some people just want to follow their ego!

If such things persist then that day is not too far when this clash of ideologies and egoism will destroy this world.

Gosh! I hate to be a religionist now. I wish this concept would have never came to us to complicate our lives!

If any religion could be a reason for the disruption of peace in this world then I don't want it... If any religion can not atleast bring peace within you then I don't want it... I want spirituality and peace that I may perceive only by following the basic principles of Humanism..

Monday, January 02, 2006

We are heading to sanguine of Humanism

One of my very nice friend, Sonu Bhaskar, whom I consider 'an intellectual marvel'... writes following on 'Humanism':

"My surrender to the religion of ONENESS .. is the religion of spirits and souls and trancends all differences that are bred for personal and social materialistic gains.. Humanity bleds with the pain of others when u see the faces crying and tears rolling down .. its bliss when we share our happiness and ecstasy with our fellow people and lives.. Its trancendental and spiritual.. So in a way its step that is beyond religious understanding .. as it percepts psychic surrender to humanity and the monotheistic eternity.. some call it GOD some call it Messiah.. its all here.. In our hearts and in our souls.."

"We are heading to sanguine of humanism..

When shadows of wars enshrines the grief of millions,
When desolated past stifles the humans,
When atrocities attentuates of the DEMONS,
When nights and days comes together to bleed like wounding showers,
When the graves becomes silent with no more voices of humanly towers!

The sun SHINES with its glorifying wonders,
Humanism takes over the reign of thunders
Terror gives way to PEACEFUL culmination,
Hatred turns a BIZARRE termination,
Love becomes the soul of human SALVATION..."

My Salute to him!!