Saturday, April 01, 2006

Isn't religion for oneself?

What does one gain when they follow any religion?

A generic answer that you would get from any religionists is that following their religion make them come closer to God and not following will make them to go to Hell. In this quest they try to convince or brainwash others too. Now whats the point of deciding upon others? Isn't just following what you are following is enough?

Agreed there is some power that created this world and made it so beautiful that we never stop cherishing it. We term that creator as 'God', the Holy Spirit. And we will pray that Holy Spirit to come closer. Here, when we say we want to come closer to that Holy Spirit then its only you and the God. You then follow the religion for yourself to come closer to God.

Religion only just sets up some rules for you to follow and keep you within the limits. And I think if any religion tells something that causes harm to others and loses the very essense, then its not a religion. You are losing the whole objective then!

Religion is for yourself and its only between you and the Holy Spirit. Its about your faith. The faith, following which, lets you bring to the next level and that level is the spirituality, a state of meditation where you attain peace.

It hurts when I see people preaching about their own religion and many a times become hostile! If a religion follows peace and spreads peace then who will not like to join it.

After all, peace is the ultimate goal of any soul in this world, isn't it?


How do we know said...

I like your blog.. and your ideology... but,tell me this.. doesn't any form of conversion, incl. the one that you are trying to induce, pave way for fanaticism in the future? All religions of love and forgiveness...

Silent Screamer said...

I don't think mere conversion paves the way to fanaticism.. First of all, conversion is a matter of personal choice of any individual whatever he/she wants to follow.. coz that person has found something good in that faith or ideology..
Secondly, if you talk about forceful conversion or brainwashing a person with some ideologies that results in harm to humainity, or conversion with just a goal of increase in number of followers and peace not being THE goal, is fanaticism..

Thanks for appreciating buddy.. :)